Sunday, June 27, 2010

Souci Mady...

I was supposed to post this on Father's Day but the video I made was not complete at the time. I would still like to take the time out to thank ALL the fathers out in the world doing God's work by taking care of their children in a hands on capacity. I would like to of course thank my own father, Guy "Mwana Mboka..Mokonzi Ya Rumba" Angrand, for his role in our (my siblings and I) lives.

Thank you Daddy for always being there!! Thank you for giving us this appreciation for music and showing us the power it has to bring people together! Thank you for giving us a great life and continuing to help us through! We love you! You are an inspiration to us all!! WE LOVE YOU! :)

Now with no further ado, here is the video I made for the song Souci Mady that Guy recorded with Pepe Felly's band Les Yatoupas back in the mid 70s. I hope you all enjoy it. PEACE...

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